Mirror, Mirror Movie Review

A familiar story that never seems to get old, Mirror, Mirror shines a new light on the story of Snow White.  The evil queen is played by the delightful Julia Roberts. She does a great job bringing out the evil, self-absorbed qualities of this storybook queen.

The Sweet and Innocent Lilly Collins, the daughter of Phil Collins, was a good fit for the role of Snow White.  Armie Hammer, who is known for his role of the twins in the movie “Social Network”, played as the handsome and dashing Prince Alcott.

The story although very similar to Snow White, was changed quite a bit and made the classic story line seem more like a Tim Burton movie. The seven dwarfs were nothing like the original sleepy, doc, dopey etc.  These seven dwarfs were intensified dramatically in character.  You will find them stronger, faster as their role gets changed from miners to forest bandits who steal from the queen.

Fantastic scenery abounded in this movie that was directed by Tarsem Singh, who is known for beautiful picturesque scenes in his movies.  The costumes were magnificent and really added great quality to this film.  The hats were outstanding and hilarious. Japanese Costume Designer, Eiko Ishioka really went all out on this film.

Mirror, Mirror is a light-hearted, funny and enjoyable movie to take your little ones to.

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  1. March 29, 2012

    Oooo – I want to see this movie. I love movies based on fairy tales.

  2. April 7, 2012

    I have to find a little one to take. This looks Great.