Guide to Soft Winter Lips

Guest Post by Christine Grudeki

This Winter has been a harsh one in Texas. We’re used to having very few cold days, with 50 and 60 degree days mixed throughout. But this year we’ve had a record-breaking number of below zero days and nights, and illnesses like the flu and RSV running rampant through families. I know, my family up north would say that I’m getting soft, and maybe that’s right. I grew up in northern New Jersey with Winters much, much worse than this for far longer. And don’t mention my family in good old Minnesota, they have sub-zero temperatures for 5 months out of the year!

While dealing with all of this cold weather, my 12-year-old son and I had battled everything from the flu, to horrible colds, to RSV. Throughout all of this, my son’s lips had been dry, cracked and on the verge of bleeding, but mine were not. They were almost of soft as before the cold weather came around. What was the difference? My son was piling on the lip balm at least 50 times a day…and I wasn’t. Hmmmm, if it doesn’t sound like it makes sense, keep reading.

So what should we do to combat the dry, chapped and cracked lips that the cold weather and illness brings around? I’m going to sound like a broken record when I say this…the key is exfoliation, and then hydration. Seems too simple to work? Not really, it’s actually pretty logical when you think about what the dryness comes from. The dryness that you feel is actually dead skin, sitting on top of the moist new skin cells. Why would you want to try to rehydrate the dead skin cells? Just get rid of them to reveal the new skin cells underneath!
Here is my morning routine:

  1. After cleansing my face, I apply a 2-in-1 lip exfoliator and leave on for about 5 minutes.
  2. Then I rub it off, which gently exfoliates the sensitive skin on and around the lips.
  3. I then apply a deeply hydrating lip moisturizer (not lip balm).
  4. On the days that I need more exfoliation, I first use a chemical peel, and then mix a dermabrasion creme with my lip exfoliator to get a deeper exfoliation.

I’d like to mention one more thing, don’t use waxy lip balms. The wax might seal in the natural moisture temporarily, but it also sits on top of your lips and doesn’t actually moisturize your lips. It also removes moisture as it rubs off. That’s why you feel like you need to use lip balm all day long (and why my son’s lips were still so dry and chapped while using nearly a whole tube every day). One note: when my son discovered my secret towards the end of his illness, he started using my lip exfoliator and moisturizer. His lips were completely healed and soft within one day, and now he’s hooked!
Happy exfoliating!

Guest Author Bio – Christine Grudecki
A mobile spa consultant, Christine has had training as a skin care professional and works with clients to help create and maintain beautiful looking skin. She is also the owner of PMICreations Mobile Spa & Gifts, as well as the author of the Health & Lifestyle Blog, which ranges in subjects from skin care to health to relaxation, and life in general. 

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