Mirror, Mirror On the Wall…What Does Your Image Say About You?

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A mirror, reflecting a vase
I know we’d all like to believe that what we look like doesn’t matter. But, would you go on a job interview in pajamas? Not unless you were showing off your style for a pajama manufacturer. We’re all so caught up in the anti-stereotype and anti-profiling hype, that we’ve forgotten that what we show everyone on the outside reflects who we were on the inside.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not talking about beauty. I certainly believe that true beauty comes from the inside. What I’m talking about is the impression you give the world when you leave your house every day. It’s not about what kind of car you drive, or how expensive your clothes are, it’s about dressing appropriately for the situation. It’s not about the hairstyle you have, it’s the fact that you respect yourself and others to actually brush your hair! How you act, how you dress, style your hair…those things tell a lot about who you are inside.

This is especially true if you have a lot of interaction with other people in your everyday life. Remember the question I asked earlier…would you go to an interview in your pajamas? About six months ago, I interviewed a woman who showed up at Starbucks in pajama pants. I’m not sure why she thought it was OK to come to an interview dressed that way, but what kind of impression was she trying to give? The “I-don’t-care-what-you-think” impression? But you should care. Why would I recommend someone to my company that “doesn’t care”? If she doesn’t care about what I think, will she care about performing well in her job duties? Probably not. That attitude cost her a high paying position.

So I ask you, when you leave the house, are you putting your best foot forward? Or are trying to make a point that won’t be well received? Make sure you show who you REALLY are inside, caring, thoughtful, strong, confident, hard-working, and most of all beautiful inside and out!

Guest Author Bio – Christine Grudecki
A mobile spa consultant, Christine has had training as a skin care professional and works with clients to help create and maintain beautiful looking skin. She is also the owner of PMICreations Mobile Spa & Gifts, as well as the author of the Health & Lifestyle Blog, which ranges in subjects from skin care to health to relaxation, and life in general. You can also check out her Facebook Fanpage and Tweets for tidbits of inspiration and advice.
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