Based on an acclaimed childen’s book series by Todd Parr, ToddWorld is an engaging television series that celebrates the imagination in a world where everyone is welcome. This series is cute and funny and has so many great messages for pre-school age children. My 6 year old daughter has enjoyed watching this series and loves the characters and the story lines.
ToddWorld is a Parent’s Choice Award Winner and is available to view on the television network Kabillion. Episodes of ToddWorld can be downloaded onto your smartphone and your child can watch from anywhere.
One winner will receive gift certificate (aka link) good for 13 episodes of ToddWorld! Enter to win now through the Rafflecopter Giveaway below:
I would like to win it for my grandkid.
Would love to win this for my daughter and son!
I would love to win the todd world tv series for our granddaughter. She would love it.
would love to give this to my Nephew!