Review & Giveaway: THE PRACTICE: Simple Tools for Managing Stress, Finding Inner Peace and Uncovering Happiness

The PracticeLearning how to bring more peace and happiness into my life has been a recent journey of mine. I have been reading many great books by amazing and incredible authors that leave me feeling so inspired. My latest read, “THE PRACTICE: Simple Tools for Managing Stress, Finding Inner Peace and Uncovering Happiness” by Barb Schmidt offers wonderful insight and tools to help with the daily practice of mindfulness. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book and have already put into practice some of the methods that are mentioned for finding inner peace and uncovering happiness. Not only does she share these valuable tools, she teaches you how to use these tools and put them into practice.

I highly recommend this book to anyone who would like to become more mindful, less distracted and find more peace and harmony in their lives.

Barb Schmidt is an international speaker, philanthropist, spiritual mentor, and best-selling author of The Practice. She has devoted more than 30 years to her studies with inspirational leaders such as Deepak Chopra, Thich Nhat Hanh, Scott Peck, Buddhist nun Tenzin Palmo, Thomas Merton scholar James Finley, and Marianne Williamson.

Here are 10 great tips on how to make a bad day into a good one!  – From Barb Schmidt

  1. When things aren’t going your way, stop and breathe and remember to let go of expectations on what you thinkshouldhappen.


  1. Stop and take a deep breath, trusting that everything will work out as it should; trust that the energy and power in the universe is here to support your highest and greatest good, you don’t need to know the outcomes.


  1. Remember to breathe and continue to stay in the present moment–don’t dwell in the past or future- the speed of our thoughts, when we go to the past or future, will turn a day bad and keep it that way.


  1. Everything that happens in our lives is for a reason, even when those things are stressful and not what we like, so find the silver lining in the events that you’re not happy with; really changing a negative in to a positive in the moment.


  1. Simply remembering to breathe when things are not going your way changes your day instantly!


  1. Take time to reach out for help; find support in trusted confidants. Friends are always ready and willing to help, sometimes all we need to do is ask.


  1. Be proactive–do activities to get you out of a funk. In the first instant you become aware that your day is turning sour, stop the thoughts and find a way to re-start; go for a short walk aligning your breathing with you footsteps- this works wonders for “nipping the bad day in the bud.”


  1. Get your endorphins up and go for a brisk walk. Exercise is a quick way to change any mood especially when you focus on your breath and you keep your mind from dwelling on the bad.


  1. When you’re feeling down, negative, or in a bad mood, stop, take a few deep breaths and put things into perspective. When we put things into perspective we are bringing ourselves back to the present moment and out of the past or future where negative thoughts live. Things might not be going well but in the present we have the gift of choice and can feel the control necessary to take appropriate actions.


  1. The quickest way to change a bad day into a good one is do something nice for someone else. We instantly get ourselves out of the way, stop dwelling on us, and we shift our care and attention to helping someone else; even with something as simple as a smile in the direction to someone else in need.


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  1. January 23, 2015

    Having pets – a cuddle with my cat cheers me up

  2. January 23, 2015

    When I was a kid I learned a trick that really works. When you’re in a bad mood and really WANT to be in a better one, go look in a mirror and smile at yourself. Then laugh. Make it really silly–you will FEEL quite silly!–and you will find the badness of the day is a bit further away. It’s like hitting a reset button. 🙂

  3. January 23, 2015

    treat yourself

  4. January 31, 2015

    I try to steer my focus on something positive and uplifting instead of dwelling on the negative. I also pray about the matter. 🙂

  5. February 3, 2015

    I try to not be rushed and to remember that everything is temporary and most things are not critical. And it usually helps me if I can take a break and get outside for a walk. If all else fails, I can usually be comforted with a piece of quality chocolate.

  6. February 4, 2015

    My tip is to try and stay calm and think of the good things!

  7. February 4, 2015

    I try and change a bad day into a good day by counting my blessings every day.