Sip Into Spring with AQUA Carpatica Naturally Sparkling Water

Hello Mint Green Readers!

I am a huge sparkling water fan, I love the fizzle of carbonation but hate the calories and sugar of soda. When my taste buds became sophisticated enough to appreciate the glory that is sparkling water, there was nothing stopping me. Sparkling waters with fresh berries, in juice cocktails, I can drink it in the morning until night. When I heard about AQUA Carpatica Naturally Sparkling water, I was skeptical. Would this drink compare to the other sparkling waters I’ve been so accustomed to?

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AQUA claims that their sparkling waters have a neutral pHof 6.5 which is the closest pH level you can get to pure water compared to other big name sparkling water brands such as Perrier or San Pellegrino which have a lower pH level. Why are pH levels so important? A low pH has a high percent of acidity which can ultimate cause major damage to your teeth. After 4 years of braces and religious about keeping my pearly whites deep cleaned at least twice a year, AQUA’s sparkling water really caught my attention with this fact.


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Another interesting fact about this water is that it comes from the Carpathian Mountains in Europe. It’s a wild forest with no agricultural or industrial activity in the surrounding areas, it’s the definition of a fairy tale forest.

Ultimately, it all came down to taste. The sparkling water was refreshing and didn’t feel overly carbonated. I really appreciated the subtle carbonation because it felt like something I could drink in its own without the aid of a lemon or lime to add flavor. With its light and crisp flavor, this is a product I would definitely recommend to those who want to start getting on board the sparkling water trend. It’ll delight your taste buds and your dentist will love you for it.

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AQUA also sent over their natural spring water and it was just as refreshing and light as their sparkling water without any carbonation. So if you want to impress your Figi water drinking friends, you can one up them with this new product.

You can start this fast approaching spring season off right by getting your own bottles of AQUA here.



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